Shramdaan plays an important role at Snehalaya and for one week in August our Snehalaay project teams dug deep to get our Himmatgram into shape. The week gave employees a break from their daily office and social work to join together and appreciate the physical labour of our Himmatgram and Paani Foundation. One group worked with our Himmatgram farm while the other worked on Paani Foundation’s demo plot.
Paani Foundation has cultivated vegetables and millets on our farm and work included planting, weeding and pruning neem trees. Despite the hard work, the enthusiasm of our staff was visible as they helped one another. Subhash Nanwate of Paani Foundation enthusiastically explained the projects. Participants included our Krishimatra, hospital, fundraising, Childline, Snehjyot, English Medium School, Radio Nagar, Snehsparsh and Rehab Center staff teams and beneficiaries.
The atmosphere was energetic as teams played music while weeding, herding cows and digging 70 pits to plant trees. They gained a new found appreciation for the hard work that goes into growing crops while singing Win or Die, Fite Andhache Jale, Zahale Mokale Aakash and Mahaman Baba Amte's Manoos maje naam na naa naa naa naa na naa naa mahi dhuna. The team were motivated by Non-Resident Project Director, Hanif Shaikh and Satyajit Bhatkal who stayed the entire day, donating their labor and interacting with Himmatyatri, creating an exciting atmosphere.
During Shramdaan week, many were able to interact with colleagues from Snehalaya, Himmatgram, farmers and Paani Foundation, learning more about the production of grains and vegetables, the differences between chemical and organic farming and the importance of water foundations. Most importantly they all had fun while carrying out essential agricultural work that will bear fruit for all.