Bebi has been Head of our Girls Department at our Rehabilitation Center, with responsibility for over 100 under-18 girls on her shoulders since 2014. She is a mentor, friend, and guide to all.
Bebi says she is simply doing her duty by helping girls find new paths to their future, precisely how Snehalaya enabled her to start afresh. She first visited Snehalaya with one of our volunteers, after experiencing family issues. When she learned there was a vacancy for an assistant teacher in our Education Department, she jumped at the opportunity. She joined our Rehab Center as an assistant teacher in 2012. This helped her regain the much-needed confidence and positivity to move on in life.
Being young, she got along easily with the children, quickly bonding and becoming popular with them. She felt at peace. Gradually her natural talent was recognized, and she was elevated and given responsibility for heading the Girls’ Department. Her responsibilities include supervising the work of our caretakers, looking after the health and hygiene of the girls, solving their problems, and counseling them about their issues.
Having successfully handled cases registered under section 376 (rape victims) she was recognised by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) and now counsels girls and helps them go through the psychologically painful medical examination process, getting over the social stigma of rape and face the world again. She ensures that all girls are brought back into mainstream education and rebuild their dreams to achieve something in life. She has been so much more than a mother to all of them.