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CSMVS Museum On Wheels

If you cannot come to the Museum, the Museum will come to you...

There was a lot of excitement when Citi-CSMVS Museum on Wheels came to Snehalaya visiting our Rehab Center and Balbhavan projects. Chinmay Gawde from the museum guided our students on various musical instruments including Tabla, Basri, Tun-tun, etc and how sound originates from three main genres: natural, animal and human and is produced by the vibration of an object and rhythm is created by emphasising the elements of music, rhythm and melody.

Our children enjoyed playing with the musical instruments inside the museum and got to know all the tools. They were also given gifts of paper and chalk sets. That team invited the children to share their feedback on postcards. More than 545 students from our Balbhavan and 300 students and staff from our Rehab Center enjoyed the unique experience.

About Citi-CSMVS Museum on Wheels The Citi-CSMVS Museum on Wheels is a pioneering outreach initiative designed to reach audiences beyond the walls of the museum, travelling into the far-reaching parts of suburban Mumbai, and even further afield into the interiors of Maharashtra and beyond. This initiative extends the Museum's mandate to be inclusive and provide universal access, physical and intellectual, to the Museum collection and the information it seeks to convey.

The project has two large, air-conditioned, state-of-the-art buses custom-designed to house traveling exhibitions. The exhibition themes are selected according to school curricula and draw from the CSMVS's vast antiquities collection. These mobile exhibitions are taken to various educational and cultural institutions for deeper and broader engagement with heritage, arts, and sciences. The Buses are fully equipped with display cases for objects, replicas, models, and dioramas. Audio-visual equipment and digital media, including touch screens and tablets, further engage this generation of tech-savvy children. At the same time, interactive demo kits, art, and craft activities get children working with their hands, thus offering them a holistic learning experience.

  • Objectives and Activities The Museum on Wheels aims to:

  • Create an appreciation of heritage and culture.

  • Establish a connection between the heritage of the past and its relevance in present-day society.

  • Offer a well-balanced experience of tradition and modernity with hands-on interactive activities and digital experiences.

  • We are encouraging the active participation of local communities with heritage and culture.

  • Be inclusive, diverse, and widespread in its reach to as many sections of the city (and beyond) as possible for whom isn't easy to access the Museum and its offerings.

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