For the 12th anniversary of our community station, Radio Nagar 90.4 FM an ‘RJ Hunt’ competition was conducted in three categories:
Snehalaya employees
students from the city
residents of Ahmednagar
Our Caring Friedns Hospital also ran free health and eye check-ups for Snehalaya employees.
Guests included API Shishirkumar Deshmukh of Bhingar Camp Police Station, senior journalist Vijaysinh Holam and many dignitaries with Anuja Mule conducting the welcome program.
Radio Nagar has also recently started a special series of interviews ‘Sanchit Ahmadnagar cha...’ exploring various aspects of Ahmednagar life. You can hear the latest in the series every Sunday at 8pm via this link. Programs so far have included the grandson industrialist of Senapati Dada Chaudhary, who led the city in the Indian freedom struggle, on his 125th birth anniversary and an interview of senior education expert Dr Sharad Kolte, conducted by famous narrator Veena Dighe.