Learning through play helps children develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments. It’s the way they make sense of the world around them.
How we help
Nicotopia is an interactive outdoor playground installation for children to learn English developed in the Netherlands and being piloted in India at Snehalaya. The interactive playground installation with built-in computer software will help our children learn the first 1,000 English words and sentences which will give them a basic understanding of the language through free and unsupervised play.
Who we help
We already use Grackle software, designed by the same partner, in our English medium and slum schools and are confident that these new interactive games will help our children move, play and learn stimulating multiple senses while they are also having fun. We will also be able to monitor their progress through online tracking and being able to improve their English will help in their schooling, develop their language and motor skills while also building their confidence.
How you can help
While Nicotopia is providing all equipment free of charges we need funds for construction.

latest news

Nopica is a ChildTuition Foundation project. Founded by Dr. Nico Nobel, a successful entrepreneur with a love for India and its people. Nico was introduced to us by Caring Friends becoming one of the first supporters of Snehalaya.