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Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM), reporting on our activity for the 2022-23 financial year took place on 26 December 2023. Our Directors reported on another year of activities and impact and our audited accounts were also presented. Trustee Shashikant Satbai explained the introduction of Snehalaya 2.0 a summary of which can be seen in our 2022-23 Annual Report which was released at the meeting. You can view the report here.

The meeting also revealed our new Board of Trustees who will serve for the next five years. We are thrilled that the majority of the board is represented by women, reflecting our dedication to female empowerment. Among them is our new President, Jaya Jogdand, a peer educator in our Snehajyot project who has represented female sex workers for the past 30 years as a board trustee. Our new Secretary is Dr Priti Bhombe, who has worked at Snehalaya for over a decade, first at Radio Nagar and most recently as our Director of Fundraising. You can discover more about our board here.

We would like to thank our outgoing President, Sanja Gugle, Secretary, Rajiv Gujar, and all retiring trustees for their dedication and support over the past five years, which have seen huge transformations for our organisation, and we are confident that this is not goodbye as we know they will continue to guide and support us.

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